

Dennis Avner, better known under his Native American name Stalking Cat, died November 5. He was 54.
OggyWolf and BlueCanary (Chilly) confirmed Stalking Cat's death with local officials. His body is being held inTonopah morgue for his brother [tip: STrRedWolf]. No cause of death was stated, but some claim suicide.
A former U.S. Navy sonar technician, and programmer, Stalking Cat was famous for having had extensive cosmetic surgery to adopt the likeness of his totem animal, the tiger, in accordance with Huron traditions. His body modifications included a split lip, transdermal whisker-holding implants, dental surgery, and silicone injections. He was also extensively tattooed.
Stalking Cat was a guest of honor at Rainfurrest 2007, and appeared at CritterConDiego 3 in 2002. yes stalking cat was a furry!

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