





6 Rules for Ruthless Respect:

1. Respect is a Gift
Respect can only be given. You cannot take it.
 You cannot force it. 
You cannot extract it. If respect is earned, 
others give it freely. 
It can’t be faked or falsified. If others give respect, 
it’s because it 
was genuinely earned.
2. Give First, Then Get
In order to “get” this gift, you’ve got to first give it! 
Rarely is respect 
given to a person, if they don’t first give it to others.
 It’s transparent
 and can’t be faked. If you genuinely  ”give” 
respect to others, 
you’ll be on your way to getting some in return.
3. Listen with all your senses
One surefire way of respecting others is to
 genuinely listen. 
Keep your mind totally blank and simply
 “be there,” presently, 
open to what they are really saying. 
Pay attention to their words. 
To their eyes. To their body language. 
Don’t respond immediately. 
Just listen. Pause. And consider what this 
other person is really communicating.
 A great book on the art and crave 
of listening  is Just Listen.
4. Restate to be clearRestate in your own words what the 
other person said. 
There’s so much room for misunderstanding
 in the world today
 because communication happens so quickly. 
We try to take a lesson
 from the slowness of tea and find that being 
slower with communication, 
and less snappy on the “submit button,” 
that we are clearer and more 
efficient in the long run. Rephrase what the other person said, 
in your own words, 
so they are confident you really listened and heard them.
5. Connect
Take in what the other person is saying and consider 
what they really want. 
They might be asking for a raise, but they might
 really be asking 
for more personal freedom. If you can connect to
 their deeper needs and wants, 
not just what they’re explicitly saying, 
you’ll have a chance for a more 
profound connection over implicit needs.
 These are less obvious and yet
 more powerful. If you can connect to the feelings,
 and really see where
 the other person is coming from, 
they will feel heard, 
and be more open to listening to you, 
and ultimately to respecting you.
6. Discuss What Matters
OK – so you’ve listened and connected and
 still there’s disagreement? 
That’s ok! You don’t have to always come to agreement or 
harmony in order to have respect. If you’re fair,
clear and you truly listened and connected – 
the odds are that respect will  flourish.
 You don’t need to
 be friends with others in order to respect them. 
Liking is for friends and lovers. 
Respect is for fostering
 effective teams that are aligned and that 
achieve huge goals. 
At work, it’s ideal if we all like each other, 
but, it’s just not always possible.

reposting courtesy~ samovar~ 
san francisco/antebellum correspondent


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