

the social network tells the classic story of insecurity, ambition, power and greed in the most contemporary way.. the film is an excellent depiction of the times we're now living in, which includes- A.D.D, O.C.D, ANTISOCIAL, ASPERGES types of behavior. the fast pace of the internet is now so ingrained in everyday life, everyone expects results for anything within a few days, maybe even a few hours.

the opening scene of 9 pages of dialog between 2 people shot in 4 minutes will go down in cinematic history, my opinion.

it's also easy to read between the lines and see who this film presents as the ok guy, the bad guy, and the wicked guy. which is fine... as far as i'm concerned they all made millions so everyone has done pretty well.

director- david fincher, ( SEVEN, FIGHT CLUB) was dealing with a story that has very little "action," about a group of people who spend most of their time online. fincher was able to make this cinematic.

(the real- Mark Zuckerberg)

screenplay by aaron sorkin, (a few good men, the west wing) was fast pace and captured the soul, (or soullessness) in contemporary silver-spoon college students. it's hard to believe that he had no experience with FACEBOOK prior to this film. in an interview sorkin said, " i know about facebook the way i know about carburetors. i know they're there and basically know how they work, but that is all."

soundtrack by trent reznor.... can we talk about the soundtrack- amazing!! reznor should win an oscar. at the very least be nominated.

the acting by jesse eisnberg, andrew garfield and justin timberlake are good. the one who i predict will be nominated for best supporting actress is rooney mara as the girlfriend who dumps mark zuckerberg in the first scene. as i said earlier. that scene will go down in modern film history.

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